Hello world!

Hi.  My name is Alisa Jackson and I am a 50-something middle school teacher in the terrific state of Tennessee.  In addition to contributing to the growing knowledge of hormonal adolescence, am enrolled in graduate school with the plan of earning a degree in Instructional Planning and Technology.  I hope to learn to create more effective and interesting teaching formats for students learning both in the classroom and virtually. 

2020 – THE YEAR OF THE CORONA – not the Mexican kind…

In this challenging time of the COVID-19 pandemic, teaching has never been more daunting.  Competing with TikTok, video games, and social media for the student’s attention is increasingly more difficult especially for the technologically challenged such as me.  While I have managed over the last few years to become pretty accomplished at basic lesson planning and the incorporation of various gamification techniques, I realize this is not enough.  I must learn more!


I must admit – right here and now –  have never blogged before in my entire life.  I never created a blog, read a blog, or posted on a blog.  I’m a blog virgin.  BUT…. here I am slowly working my way through blocks and edits to document my learning experience in navigating the field of technology. But that is not all! I am hoping to gain many new friends that will be willing to share their knowledge and contribute to my learning experience.  


Join me in my quest to learn more about Education in the Tech Age! Here are a few blog sites that I have found so far as I try to figure out what I am doing. Check them out and let me know what you think.





Thank you John Pritchett Cartoons and Dan Benge for the illustrations.

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